Based on our customers' successes and our past experiences as CMOs, we've written this guide to help marketing teams move from transactional to emotional loyalty.

Reading time: 10 min.

Design sans titre(1)

Increase your conversion conversation rate.

Despite the undeniable importance of customer retention, which costs 5 to 7 times less than acquiring new customers, traditional loyalty programs are losing their effectiveness. But a new emotion-based approach is emerging, where engagement and interaction take precedence over simple loyalty.

Download the full Guide

πŸ‘‰ What will you discover

  • The 5 pillars of customer engagement through emotion βœ…
  • The essential elements for building your community βœ…
  • The secret ingredient of powerful personalization βœ…
  • Analysis of Starbucks' Odyssey program βœ…
  • The 3 axes to focus on to develop a sense of belonging βœ